ISSN (E) : 2583-1933
ISSN (E) : 2583-1933
Current Agriculture Trends: e-Newsletter is an open access, peer-reviewed, monthly, online magazine cum e-newsletter catering to different subject areas such as Plant Breeding and Genetics, Soil Science, Entomology, Horticulture, Vegetable Science, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Agronomy, Pest Management, Plant Pathology, Floriculture and Landscaping, Aquatic Environmental Management, Social Sciences, Agricultural Engineering (Farm Machinery and Power, Soil and Water Engineering.
All the articles published in the e-newsletter are reviewed by a panel of reviewers for their scientific merit. The article decisions are solely based on the results of the peer reviews.
We invite Reviewers with best academic qualification for reviewing articles in the area of their Interest. Approved reviewer will receive papers of his/ her field for the reviewing purpose.
Please mail the following details given below to and after reviewing your application and academic background, we will inform you about the decision.
Documents Needed:1. Recent CV:
2. Reviewer form (Signed)
3. Valid ID Proof: (Passport, Govt ID etc)
4. Proof of Doctorate: (Degree Certificate)
Please send all the documents as an email attachment to our Editor in Chief at